2019年11月的文章 第3页


1风控的焦虑 我在股票市场摸爬滚打已经接近20年。从一个对投资和赚钱感兴趣的年轻散户,到接受专业训练成为职业股票分析员,后来心力憔悴回归做自由自在的散户,到最近按耐不住寂寞重新起步艰苦创业。 如果要做个经验总结的话,我眼里投资就是一个掉坑、学习、爬坑,然后继续掉坑、学习、爬坑的无限次循环。股票市场具有非常强的自我学习和进化能力,作为市场中的普通一员,如果要想...
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Shares S&P 100 ETF(OEF)投资美国股票市值最大的100家公司,这些公司的市值均超过2000亿美元,在股票投资中属于最安全,但也是回报率最低的一个投资策略 ——低风险、低回报。投资这类公司的优点在于它们的股价无论在股市上涨还是下跌时波动都不大,但一般还能获得固定股息收益。 与其它投资超高市值股票的ETF相比,例如最大的道琼斯工业指数...
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在标普全球行业分类标准的68个行业里,半导体业是相当独特的一个行业,它不仅仅在全 球科技发展中占有核心地位,整个行业还拥有天然的“护城河”,从产品研发到生产均需要庞大的资金和大量的专业技术人员,而且还涉及到很多知识产权问题,一 旦公司占据了有利的市场位置,将很难被其它行业或产品取代。英特尔、高通及英伟达均属于这个行业的佼佼者。 iShares PHLX Se...
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Delivery Instrument 交割文件

A document that stands in lieu of the physical underlying during the delivery of the futures contract. 在交割期货合约时代替实质商品的文件
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Delivery Date 交割日期

The final date by which the underlying commodity for a futures contract must be delivered in order for the terms of the contract to be fulfilled. The maturity date of a currency fo...
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Delivery 交割、交货

The act whereby an underlying commodity, security, cash value, or delivery instrument covering the commodity is tendered and received by the contract holder. 将合约牵涉的商品、证券、现金价值或交割文件送...
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Delisting 摘牌、停止上市

When the stock of a company is removed from a stock exchange. Reasons for delisting include violating regulations and failure to meet financial specifications set out by the stock ...
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Delinquent 拖欠债务

A term describing the failure to meet required obligations according to schedule. 指未能按偿付时间表还本付息
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Deleverage 减债

The reduction of financial instruments or borrowed capital previously used to increase the potential return of an investment. It is the opposite of leverage. 减低以往用来提高投资潜在回报率的金融工具及借...
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Deflation 通货萎缩

The rate at which the general level of prices for goods and services is falling. The opposite of inflation. 货品及服务总体价格水平下跌的百分比,是通货膨胀的相反词
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