








The Historical Price of Gold

Price of Gold

Since time immemorial the price of gold has continued to be stable because man has always recognized its worth.


Thousands of years ago gold was a rare commodity and it still is today. The people of ancient times, having realized the worth and rarity of gold, used it as a mode of currency as well as for ornamentation purposes.


For centuries gold has been an integral part of economics and money systems. In fact the economies of many nations were historically determined on the basis of their gold stock. The result has been that gold prices have always trended upwards.

几个世纪以来,黄金一直是经济和货币体系中不可或缺的一部分。 实际上,许多国家的经济历史上是根据其黄金储备来确定的。 结果是黄金价格总是趋于上涨。

In today’s turbulent global economy investing in this precious metal is becoming an increasingly important and popular component in maintaining a healthy and profitable investment portfolio.


Going Back In History


Let’s find out how gold was used by man as a form of currency. For this, we have to go back to the times of the ancient Egyptians and Sumerians. It was they who first understood the value of gold along with other precious metals.


They began to use gold for ornamentation. Later they started to make gold coins. Before the advent of gold coins, the exchange of goods and services were based on the barter system. The introduction of gold coins brought about a new scenario. People began to use it as a form of currency to buy goods and services. As a result, the price of gold began its ascendancy.

他们开始用黄金装饰。 后来他们开始制作金币。 在金币出现之前,货物和服务的交换是基于易货系统。金币的推出带来了新的情景。 人们开始将其用作购买商品和服务的一种货币形式。 结果,黄金价格开始上涨。

As time passed, in addition to gold coins world economies introduced a new form of currency – paper money. This development did not undermine the value of gold however and the price for gold remained unaffected.

随着时间的推移,除了金币外,世界经济还推出了一种新形式的货币 - 纸币。然而,这一发展并没有削弱黄金的价值,黄金的价格也没有受到影响。

Until the 20th century, there existed a ‘gold standard’ which is defined as ‘a monetary system in which the standard economic unit of account is a fixed mass of gold’. During those times the price of gold was more or less fixed and as such was conducive for fair trade.

直到20世纪,存在一个“黄金标准”,它被定义为“货币体系,其中标准经济单位是固定的黄金质量”。 在那段时间里,黄金的价格或多或少是固定的,因此有利于公平贸易。

It didn’t fluctuate much because paper money could be easily converted into gold or other precious metals. Even if it did fluctuate it was only marginal (just a few cents) with the purpose being to meet expenses like shipping and insurance.


The First World War had a deep impact on money convertibility. Since many leading countries of the world were involved, it became increasingly difficult to transfer wealth.


It also affected the exchange rate that was previously fixed worldwide. Political alliances and varying foreign exchange rates affected the stability of gold bullion and as a result the price of gold began to fluctuate.


The beginning of the 20th century brought with it many changes. It left behind the old standard of backing paper money with gold or other precious metals. Countries like the U.S. and UK abandoned gold and instead pursued a policy of increasing the production of paper currency.


This ushered in a new era of gold investing and the market was opened up to accommodate it.


The 1940s witnessed a surge in the mining industry and during that time production almost doubled. At that time the gold price was $35 an ounce. Thereafter the price began to climb steadily. People realized the advantages of investing in gold. Moreover, since in terms of worth gold had an inherent stability more and more investors began to invest in this precious metal.


1971 – A Major Turning Point For The Price of Gold

1971年 - 黄金价格的一个重要转折点

Since the 20th century there has been a surge in gold investing and as a result the price of gold has maintained an upward trend. Gold as a strong investment vehicle increased dramatically post 1971 when the global economy completely discarded gold as an anchor for paper money. This was due to President Nixon ending the Bretton Woods exchange and removing the gold standard from the US dollar.


This resulted in gold prices hitting a then record high of $850 an ounce in 1980. Of course certain world events like the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan and the Islamic Revolution in Iran which created global tensions were to some extent responsible for this as well.


Investors scurrying to lower their holdings risk and also to ensure safe investments began to invest in gold because they recognized its inherent stability and underlying worth. The returns they got belied their expectations.


Although the gold price witnessed a meteoric rise to $850 an ounce it did gradually fall back but still remained high in comparison to the level before its rise. Over time investors began to see gold as a form of safe and profitable investment and not just a safe haven in times of crisis. Gold became an attractive and effective investment option to build and maintain wealth and continues to be so today.


During the economic crisis of the 80’s investors who had put their faith in gold were well rewarded and were able to ride out the storm.


Towards the later part of the 20th century, the overall value of gold did hover a bit. When equities skyrocketed in the 90’s they did overshadow the steady values of gold for a while.


But then investors who had invested in gold came out as winners during 2001 and 2007 when many investment portfolios were destroyed by tough markets, recessions and bubbles.


Coming right up to the present day, gold continues to shine. It has roughly doubled in value since the economic crisis of 2008 when it started the year at around $700/oz.  This is mainly due to the negative correlation that gold has with stocks, Treasury bills, bonds and the value of the US dollar. What this means is that over time gold has always moved in the opposite direction to these other forms of investment.



1. 货币因素

2. 利率因素

3. 供应端驱动因素

4. 消费因素和收入增长

5. 系统风险&长尾风险

6. 通胀风险

7. 短期投资流














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